4 Tips for Creating Evergreen Content

Have you ever heard the term “Creating Evergreen Content”? This may be the first time you’ve heard of this term, but it’s a common term among many content writers, marketers, and even SEO experts.
Even if you are not familiar with what evergreen content is, let us in this article help you learn about this type of content, its importance, illustrative examples of it, and enable you to create evergreen content that will bring you positive results.
What is Creating Evergreen Content?
Have you ever wondered why so many people still rely on Wikipedia as a source of information, even though it can sometimes be misleading?
The answer is simply that Wikipedia’s audience visits the encyclopedia because the information it provides has ongoing value that does not go out of style, and is constantly updated.
So you probably have deduced the answer to our main question by now! Evergreen Content is content that is not tied to a specific time period or a current event, after which the content becomes worthless. In short, if you prefer the safe zone, it is the ideal strategy that guarantees you a relatively stable traffic rate.
Example: If you are going on vacation for more than a week, you will buy canned food rather than fresh food (even if it is more beneficial), because canned food simply has a much longer shelf life.
The Importance of Evergreen Content
It is enough for you to know, dear reader, that the most famous SEO company Ahrefs has announced an increase in the rate of visits to its blog by more than 13 times the rate of monthly visitors, thanks to its writers and editors relying on the evergreen content strategy. In this regard, let us explain to you some of the factors of the importance of evergreen content:
- Rank higher on the SERP (just make sure you choose the right keywords).
- Increase the traffic to your site, which is the logical result if you get a high search engine ranking.
- The most important benefit that evergreen content gives you is “value,” and it gives it to both your brand and your customer.
- Everlasting content means less effort in building and creating new content, which of course saves you time and effort.
Examples of Evergreen Content
It is true that evergreen content serves your marketing strategy effectively, but do not forget that you are not alone in the field! Evergreen content is highly competitive, and to stand out from your competitors you must choose the right template for your content. Let us show you some of the most prominent examples and models of evergreen content:
How-to Guides
Guides or How-tos are two similar models, both of which seek to provide roughly the same value, which is to provide the user with information that he does not know or how to make and implement something that he has not experienced before.
Example: There is no more powerful example of the How-to model than the content “How to Make a Cake” that most Internet users have searched and are still searching for, and of course you can remember how many times you have searched using the word “how” or “how to”, which makes these guides receive good appearance rates in search results.
Listicles journalism
The user wants to invest the least possible time in his search journey, and the numerical or bulleted list model is the most appropriate method to convey the information in the best way in the shortest period. The model we are talking about is the model of articles and content pieces that depend mainly on numbers (numerical enumeration), such as: 5 steps, 7 tips, 9 ways, etc.
This type is closer to guides. Who among us does not sometimes need advice to complete a certain step or would like to seek advice on how to implement a certain thing?! With the development we are witnessing, it has become easy to find advice and solutions with the click of a button. This strategy is very effective in a permanent content writing plan, because it increases the user’s confidence in your brand, because he realizes that you want to provide real value that matters to him and not just exploit him.
Questions and Answers or Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Let me tell you that some people treat the search engine itself as a model of answers to all the questions that come to their mind and not just a medium to your site, but what matters to us here is that this type of permanent content (if it gives correct answers and provides the user with what he needs) permanently engraves the image of your site in the user’s mind, which makes him always come back to you when he wants to search for an answer.
You don’t need a traditional dictionary or glossary to search for the meaning of a word or term that you find difficult to understand. Electronic glossaries are comprehensive dictionaries available to the user at any time. Of course, we don’t need to emphasize that the content of the glossary is continuous and does not change. It deals with existing and already validated concepts. We advise you: If the content of your dictionary includes concepts related to a specific field, you can classify it to help the reader find what he is looking for easily.
It is worth noting that glossaries may be articles that contain comprehensive information about a service, product, or even a topic related to your field, and are not limited to dictionaries or linguistic glossaries.
One of the most popular brands that uses glossary content is Vocabulary .
How to create evergreen content?
Now that you know the importance of evergreen content, it’s your turn to learn how to create good Evergreen content that will help you rank first in search results and bring you more visitors.
Focus on your audience’s interests.
It’s a bit obvious, you’re definitely not writing this content based on your personal interests, but rather always striving to meet the desires of your audience according to your brand’s field.
All you have to do is search for topics that do not go out of date and that users are constantly searching for. To complete this step, you can follow the following tips:
- Ask your audience directly about their top interests and preferences.
- Find trending events on google trends.
More important than the previous tips is to be present where your audience is. You are supposed to be fully aware of your target audience and which social platforms they prefer the most, so always make sure to follow their opinions, comments, current trends, inclinations, and desires.
You should also consider providing content that is at least 90% sure to resonate with your audience, and to do that you may need to put yourself in your audience’s shoes and think with their mindset, not just focus on the surface.
Do keyword research
After identifying your audience’s interests, your task now is to research keywords related to those topics. You can do this using free and paid keyword research tools, such as: Google Keyword Planner , Semrush , Ahrefs , KwFinder , and many more.
Format your content
This may be the most important step in the process of curating permanent content. Make sure to format your content skillfully, and choose the appropriate template to do so. You can do this by following several tips:
- Be careful not to use terms that refer to specific time periods in your content text.
- Avoid talking about short-term issues.
- Focus on using your main keywords and related words.
In this regard, you can take a lesson from news sites whose content depends on the timeliness of the content. Even the most famous and experienced news sites in this field will not continue to spread their content for more than three months at most, as the characteristic of news content is that it has a short lifespan.
Example: If you are a student in a certain stage of study and you have an exam in a certain subject, can you study the syllabus assigned to you after the exam time has passed? Or can you study the syllabus of previous batches that has already been changed? Of course not, so make sure that this is not the case with your content!
Update your content regularly.
It is true that permanent content should have a continuous impact, but over time you may find more secrets and values that you can add to attract more visitors and expand your brand’s fan base, or you may even have to sometimes revisit your content to update internal links.
Content refresh strategy works very well with all types of content, even evergreen content, especially if your traffic is declining.
Can you rely solely on evergreen content in your content building strategy?
The truth is that despite the effectiveness of the permanent content strategy, you cannot rely on it alone to build your content plan. In other words, you cannot always stay away from the scene of events.
In short, besides evergreen content, you need to track and monitor trending topics for your audience so that they don’t go to your competitors’ sites.
Finally, after we have provided you with examples of the types of evergreen content, you may need it to be able to rank higher for longer periods on Google search engine results. For more details and information on this matter, you can subscribe to our mailing lists by filling out your data in this form .